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Meet Our Latest TheLending Achiever: Tyler Stock!

Written by
Samantha Rose
Samantha Rose is a personal finance writer covering financial literacy for TheLending. Her work focuses on providing hands-on resources for high school and college-age students in addition to their parents and educators.
Read time: 2 min
Updated on February 14, 2022
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TheLending Scholarship Winner Tyler Stock

Name: Tyler Stock

School: University of California, Berkeley

Concentration: Business

Degree: Economics

Expected Graduation Date: Spring of 2021

Congratulations to Tyler Stock, our latest recipient of the TheLending Achievers Scholarship! We loved his essay about the importance of financial literacy and are thrilled to offer him $2,500 to help pay for his upcoming college tuition. Well done, Tyler! 

Tyler just graduated from Hinsdale South High School in Darien, Illinois (Go, Hornets!). In addition to making Dean’s List and being named an Illinois State Scholar, he is active in the Chicago business community. He co-founded a startup his sophomore year and later worked for an up-and-coming company that helps employers pay the student loans of their employees. Nice!

At TheLending, we believe in the power of the individual to create opportunity. That’s why we award the Achievers Scholarship four times a year and provide free financial literacy courses at TheLending

In his essay titled “Built to Rise,” Tyler discusses why it’s so important for college students to learn about personal finance. The way he sees it, people are pretty similar to buildings: the stronger their foundation, the higher they can rise.

“Most people like to imagine living at the top…,” he writes. “(B)ut they forget about the grit, effort, and financial literacy it takes to build the floors to get there.”

Tyler has demonstrated exceptional hard work and achievement. We’re confident he’s got a great foundation beneath him, and we’re excited to see him rise at the University of California, Berkeley.

Congrats, Tyler! We wish you the best.

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